How to improve your CV - 31 tips to bliss

How to improve your CV – 31 tips


I've got 31 tips here to help you write or simply improve your CV.

I'm diving straight in as I've got lots to say about it.


Getting started:

  • Be prepared to allocate a good few hours to this task – get yourself into a positive frame of mind before you begin

  • Find a simple, easy-to-use CV template so that you can focus on the content creation

  • Before you start typing away think about your personal highlights, achievements, and challenges. Jot down notes to refresh your memory so you can pick off the best ones later

  • When you’re ready use the companies, your roles, and the dates of employment to create the initial structure

  • If you worked at a start-up or lesser-known brand add a brief description – make it easy for the reader to understand your experience

  • Details of your college and university education can go at the back (high school exam results aren’t necessary)

  • You might want to add interests – if so keep them up to date. It gives more insight into who you are and you never know if someone is looking out for a film, wine, or art buff for example

  • Mention languages, awards & philanthropic ventures

The important bits

  • Don’t forget that your CV is a marketing tool and a pitching document as well as a record of your work history

  • When anyone looks at your CV they’re looking for evidence of why you might be useful and relevant to a business

  • Your CV can be visually scanned in less than a minute – even more reason to create easy to read eye candy

  • You need to be selective about what goes on it, repetition and meaningless claims don’t make for an interesting read

  • But don’t worry about editing as you go along, do that later

  • Don’t turn your CV into a job description – it’s not it’s a summary of your work history and experience

  • Highlight the key responsibilities but focus on the results and your achievements – put them in context using punchy sentences.

  • Avoid empty generic statements, clichés, and corporate jargon (remove the fluff)

  • Tread carefully with terms like future thinking, visionary, transformational, dynamic, and results driven. Better to have someone say that about you and for you to give examples of results

  • Technical language is for technical job roles

  • Don’t overload your CV with too much information – important details can get lost amongst too much text

  • Avoid using first and third person terminology (third person is for Bios)

  • Tailor your CV according to the role you’re going for (one size does not fit all)

  • As you’re writing always have the reader in mind

  • Do it yourself – whilst using a professional CV writer might produce a pleasing looking document it won’t sound like you and it won’t help you to tell your career story when you get a meeting or an interview

  • If you’re under pressure to produce a CV quickly create a one-pager summary. This will buy you some time whilst you work on the detailed version

  • If you get lost, or a touch of writers block go back to your initial notes and connect back to your success and achievements

The less interesting bits

  • When it comes to editing keep reading for meaning and keep an eye out for repetition. You want to get your CV down to a couple of pages – yes really. I don’t think you’ll be penalized for a long CV but it’s not necessary and you’ll feel sharper if you sharpen yours up

  • Spell check, re-read and edit again. And make sure that your contact details are up-to-date

  • Ask a friend to read it too– if they don’t understand what you’ve written it’s time for more tweaking

  • Print it off to see how it looks, then when you’re happy with it, save it in PDF format with your name


Now don't you feel blissful after getting that done?


Need some inspiration?

Need more help?

  • Work with me

I’ll help you with CV feedback, recommendations, and improvement, content creation, the art of telling your story and a confidential forum to discuss your CV and any concerns you have about it. I hear it’s enjoyable too! 

I do practice what I preach – I won't write it for you but you will get my support, guidance and a headhunter's perspective throughout the process.

By the end you’ll have a better CV and feel better prepared for interviews.

Want to know more?

Send me a message and let's talk about it




 Tracy Short & Co offers executive career coaching, recruitment & talent services, and exclusive networking meet-ups.

Tracy has a unique approach to career success – a fresh alternative to traditional career coaching and executive headhunters.

Get in touch to find out how I can help you or your company.