The wheel of your career

Photo by Craig Smith on Unsplash

Your career is part of your identity. It gives you status and a sense of purpose, as well as a financial income. 

But job satisfaction and happiness aren't guaranteed. Behind the scenes of your executive career is a delicate balancing act. Let's see how it's all interrelated.


The wheel of your career 


Draw a circle with eight segments. Each segment represents an aspect of your career:

  1. Reputation, status and professional profile

  2. Salary and self-worth

  3. Purpose, meaning, values and connection

  4. Personal leadership and development

  5. CV, LinkedIn and elevator pitch

  6. Career strategy and plan

  7. Network, contacts and community

  8. Mindset, confidence and any blocks such as imposter syndrome

Grab a notebook and pen.

Give each segment a score: (zero = miserable/10 = joyful)

What are your first thoughts and impressions?

Notice how one segment impacts another:

  • A slick CV and a well-rehearsed interview will only get you so far if you feel awkward about selling yourself.

  • Working in a business where your values aren’t aligned may chip away at your confidence.

  • If your job search is taking longer than expected are you experiencing pressure at home, avoiding friends and family?

  • Are you leaning too heavily on job boards because you haven’t got a network?

Let’s dig deeper


  • Are you questioning the leadership style and the way things are done? Are your values and principles aligned with the company culture? How is this affecting you and your performance?


  • Are you yearning to try something different, at a crossroads again? What are your options and transferable skills?


  • Do you feel stuck, outgrown your job, company, even sector? Do you need a change of scenery or direction?


  • When it comes to your job search, have you lost confidence? Feel like an imposter or awkward about promoting yourself?


  • Are you worried about the pandemic, the economy, job security? Is this limiting your opportunities?


  • Do you feel disconnected from your contacts and community? What can you do to reconnect with your network?


  • Have you told yourself that things will be better in spring, summer, after a holiday? Can you set yourself some goals to lift your spirits today?


  • Have you fallen out of love with the industry? Is it time to switch sectors, offer your services?


  • Do you feel recognised, appreciated, valued? Do you appreciate and value yourself?


  • If the ideal, perfect opportunity came your way, are you ready? Have you updated your CV, reflected on your achievements, thought about your next steps?

There are no right or wrong answers – use the wheel to get clearer on your needs and wants. Look at the bigger picture – put things into perspective.

Ready to discover how I can help you and your career? Get in touch!

Unique services that you won’t get from a conventional career coach or executive headhunter.


I’m Tracy, Career Consultant, former Executive Headhunter and I help senior executives and leaders to land great jobs and be successful at work through 1:1 coaching.

I work with clients around the world from my London-based Zoom office.

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