Posts tagged success
How to boost YOUR confidence

People lose their confidence for all sorts of reasons – redundancy, career blips, difficult bosses, job hunting, midlife crisis, imposter syndrome… the list goes on.

Don’t assume that everyone else has nailed it. Some people are very good at putting on a brave face.

Confidence is like a muscle that needs to be exercised so let’s get you working and cultivating your inner confidence and self-belief.

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6 steps to a successful job search campaign

A plan for your job search is not just a good to have – it’s essential!

It doesn’t need to be over-complicated or fancy, just something that will help you to stay on track and keep you motivated when you’re having a bad day.

In this post, I’ve outlined a six-step approach to keep you and your job search energised.

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90+ Reasons to work with a Career Coach

People work with career coaches for many reasons – because they feel stuck in a rut and demotivated, at a work/life crossroads, hungry for promotion, looking for their next role, or simply because they want to 'finesse' their CV and impress the board!

I’ve been compiling a list of reasons that people have turned to me for help and although I’ve got to 90+ I have no doubt that I’ve missed a few!

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